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Agtech startups will present success stories at CfiAgrotech 2023 conference

-Among the exhibitors SOFÍA Gestión Agrícola, a platform that collects field information through a mobile application, created by the company Reset Tecnología y Plataforma, which is revolutionizing the market with its technological proposal.

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-Among the exhibitors SOFÍA Gestión Agrícola, a platform that collects field information through a mobile application, created by the company Reset Tecnología y Plataforma, which is revolutionizing the market with its technological proposal. Santiago, September 01, 2023.- “Solutions from Innovation and Technology” will be one of the panels of the inaugural day of the First Congress and International Fair of Innovation and Technologies in Agri-Food, CFIAgrotech, a meeting organized and produced by FISA, of the GL events Group and the National Society of Agriculture (SNA), which will take place between October 24 and 26 at the Metropolitan Santiago convention center. According to Paula Miranda, manager of CFIAgrotech 2023, this panel will present five success stories of national agtech startups that, through the incorporation of new technologies and innovative products and services, have managed to “move the needle” in the Chilean agribusiness sector, facilitating a more efficient, accurate and sustainable operation, with positive effects on production results. For this panel, which will be held during the first day of CFIAgrotech, the participation of Reset Tecnología y Plataforma, creator of SOFÍA Gestión Agrícola, a platform that collects field information through a mobile application that works offline and digitizes all the processes of registration of harvest, labor and machinery, has already been confirmed. At the same time, it also automatically manages the records required by various internationally recognized standards for agricultural production. AGRIBUSINESS REVOLUTION Did you ever think you could monitor your agricultural business from the comfort of your desk? They say that in many cases reality surpasses fiction and, although it sounds unbelievable to some, here is an excellent example. The SOFÍA Gestión Agrícola platform, with more than 10 years of experience in the market, makes this possible, allowing users to “digitize” their farm, administering and managing all the information obtained daily, from tillage, costs and harvests, to resources and remunerations. Initiatives such as this one contribute to the evolution of routine tasks, saving time and resources and taking them to the next level. One of the most attractive points is that SOFÍA makes no distinction of rank or size of the company that requires the use of the platform, created and intended for small, medium and large producers. Anyone who needs to record the activities of their field digitally can do so effectively and with guaranteed positive results, since the platform meets the needs of technical advice, carrying out the monitoring and auditing of crops. DIFFERENTIATING VALUE Ángel Medina Vega, founder and CEO of Reset Tecnología y Plataforma, is in charge of explaining all the benefits obtained using the system. “SOFÍA offers a unique differentiated value offering by managing to gather information and connect with other types of technology. Through an application programming interface (API), it concentrates data in one place, giving it effective value. Farmers save 30% and 20% in inventory and human resources, respectively, which are significant in terms of crop and labor control,” the executive states. In addition, being an integral platform, SOFÍA connects with GPS providers that allow establishing the traceability of all daily operations carried out in the field, with their respective percentage of compliance. “SOFÍA also has a certification module that differentiates it from other options currently available in the market, as it evaluates and detects the standards that each producer must comply with according to their business. Global G.A.P., GRASS, SMETA and RAINFOREST are just some of the certifications with which the platform interacts,” explains Ángel Medina. But innovation goes much further. True to the idea of creating solutions for the improvement of the agricultural industry, the company is also concerned about contributing to the environment. “SOFÍA is stored in a data center created by us, which runs on solar energy. The energy source of our servers is low consumption, which provides a competitive advantage in the company’s expansion plans. Creating more of these data centers is completely sustainable and environmentally friendly,” concluded the executive. Currently, SOFÍA Gestión Agrícola interacts with more than 70,000 hectares, and is present in seven Latin American countries. Another sample of the innovative agtech startups that will be present at the First International Congress and Fair of Innovation and Technology in Agri-Food, CFIAgrotech, the place where innovation happens! For more information, please contact us by e-mail:

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