Exhibitor News

DavisLab to be part of CfiAgrotech 2023

With 80 years of experience serving our customers, DavisLab will be present at CfiAgrotech 2023.

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DavisLab is proud to be a leading analytical services laboratory for the main regulated industries – pharmaceutical, cosmetics, veterinary, agribusiness – always meeting the highest standards of service, quality and commitment. Our mission is to add value to our clients’ operations and we seek to forge long-term relationships with them. That is why we have a specialized analytical area to serve the export industry of fresh fruit, nuts, wine and processed food plants. We know that behind each analysis there is a relevant decision making for the value chain of our customers. We have a deep knowledge of the analytical methods required for multiple industries and regulations. We use liquid and gas chromatography with dual mass detectors (LC-MSMS and GC-MSMS) that allow us to develop a screening of more than 500 molecules of pesticides and pesticides detected with the highest sensitivity and reliability. Our analytical services also include specific analyses for polar pesticides and dithiocarbamates. We are authorized by the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) to perform pesticide residue analysis in fruit and vegetable products. Our quality system and analytical methods are accredited by ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by A2LA (USA). Our laboratory has state-of-the-art equipment and is in constant renovation, all this in a physical installation of more than 1,600 m2 of constructed laboratory, located in our own 32,000 m2 of land, which gives us a large installed capacity and the option to increase it if our customers require it. For the agro-export industry we have additional services, such as the calibration of instruments in our calibration laboratory accredited by INN in the ISO 17.025 standard for the magnitudes of temperature, humidity, length and soon mass, pressure, volume. We also have an OTEC accredited in the NCh 2728 that provides training courses with SENCE franchise, which we adapt to the specific needs required by our customers. We focus on having the most complete range of services and solutions to the growing needs of the industries where we participate, so that in one place our customers find everything they need, always with the highest standard of quality and service. For DavisLab it is important to be present in such outstanding events as CfiAgrotech, since it not only allows us to get closer to our clients, who belong to an industry as relevant for Chile as the Agroexport industry, but also to be part of the Food Safety Panel, delivering our products and services to our clients. Food Safety, providing information on this topic that is key to the development of the fruit and vegetable industry in Chile and the world. For more information write us at contacto@davislab.cl or visit www.davislab.cl or follow us on linkedin @DavisLab

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