Exhibitor News

Aguamarket will be at CfiAgrotech 2023

It was born as a portal in the year 2000 […]

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It was born as a portal in the year 2000 with the purpose of channeling all the experience accumulated by its partners, who since 1984 have been related to Companies related to Drinking and Waste Water Treatment, Riles, Pumps, Irrigation Systems and Environmental Engineering Consulting. This has allowed Aguamarket.com, during its twenty years of operation, to consolidate itself as a “Leader” portal in the Water Industry, not only at a national level, but also having presence in markets with high competition such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Mexico, United States and all Latin America, reflected in the participation as exhibitor in the main meetings of the Water Industry and Conservation of the Aquatic Environment, such as: WEFTEC, World Water Forum, Expo agua Argentina and Expo agua Chile, to mention some of them. Vision: While it is true that the basis of our success is the concretion of business and the delivery of information regarding the products and services we market, our users are the ones who give life to this portal. For this reason we must concentrate all our efforts in providing quality information and establish channels of participation to enrich the information available and thus achieve a sustained and long-term relationship. Company Mission and Teamwork: We encourage the improvement of our employees, their participation in international events, diversity of thought and mutual respect as ways to consolidate teamwork in the long term; the only way to preserve our position as a leader. Creativity and Innovation New trends and technologies applied in our portal are essential to maintain our competitiveness, so we encourage individual creativity, knowledge of new development tools and diversity of opinion from our accredited sources of information. Products and services: Water Accessories Agitators and aerators Water pumps Water disinfection Reverse Osmosis Equipment Equipment and Machinery Safety Equipment Hydraulic equipment Laboratory equipment Solar equipment Water Ponds Water Filtration Water filters Sanitary Installations Instrumentation and control Water measurement Flow Measurement Motors and generators Fishing and Aquaculture Water treatment plants Deep wells Swimming pool products Chemical products Water purifiers Industrial wastewater Irrigation systems Wastewater treatment Wastewater treatment Piping and fittings V ater valves Sewer rods

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